Monday, December 5, 2011

little valuable lessons 3

Be amazed by almost everything!

Sometimes, you need to drop it like it's hot.

If you don't understand a situation, try seeing it a different way.

Don't judge people. You don't know them at all. Not even your family members

Eat and drink as much as you can. You never know when you might be isolated in some forest, desert, or room for days. (I've been watching too many thriller movies where people get into accidents and have no access to food or water. I'm freaked out)

When you embark into a new adventure, be careful. :)

Don't feel bad if you find something a little funny in a sad situation. Life's too short to be too sad.

You know what is important in a relationship other than trust? Laughter.

Every once in a while...hide somewhere and take a nap.


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