Sunday, December 4, 2011

Little Bullies.

I always think that kids words can hurt you more than an adult. They are so blunt and have no filter and they don't think of the repercussions. They make fun of each other and put each other down. It's saddens me when I hear that kids are getting bullied so much that they have to revert to suicide.


Where are the kids learning all this hate? Why isn't anyone doing anything about this? Where the [****] are the parents?

Exactly. Parents. I always think that kids learn hate where they spend their time the most. Home. Parents bully each other in front of kids. Parents can't afford a babysitter and they turn to the number one babysitter nowadays, TV, where so much stupid crap is being shown. Second babysitter, Internet. Then they go to school and learn more hate from other kids.

Now, I'm not saying that this bullying has just showed up out of nowhere, come on now, racism, sexism, and every other -ism out there has been in this world since humanity can remember, but it has only gotten stronger. Nowadays, anyone can sit behind a screen and type the meanest and cruelest things to ANYONE in the world.

And now, little kids are dying. Their minds have not developed to be strong enough, so they think that the easy way out is the wrong one.

Now, I'm not saying that I'm perfect, even writing about this, I can remember how I've put people down before, yesterday, now.

We do it constantly, on Facebook, with friends, and even not on purpose.

Remember when that Rebecca Black song came out? How many millions of statuses on Facebook popped out about how much she sucks and couldn't stand listening to it one more time. That is you being a bully.

Oh you were stating your opinion? How bout, if you can't say anything nice, don't say anything at all.

If you are parent, please teach your children the importance of not bullying and not being a victim of it because what if it was your child being bullied? What if he/she grows up with the lowest self-esteem because one little child bullied him/her so much to the point of damage?

And if you are not a parent, you are definitely a sister, brother, cousin, friend, etc...

Change the world to a better place where little kids can actually have a chance to grow.

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