Friday, December 6, 2013

Mrs. Daisy is driving herself

The fact of the matter is that, I'm 26 and I don't have a drivers license yet. Oh, and I'm also scared of driving. Probably one of the worst things to be other than drunk, or sleepy behind a wheel, is being scared. My parents never taught me because THEY were scared for me. So now you know where the problem began. The fear was instilled in me before I even had a chance. Also, it didn't help that I had an accident when I was 15 years old. One that only a few people know of, and now you do too. So sshhhh.

My husband has taken the initiative of teaching me. God bless his soul and mine for that matter. Even though this act of love and concern is great, I still wish it wasn't him that was teaching me. Let's just say Road Rage is his middle name and stupid drivers are his worst enemies and I being a first time driver doesn't necessarily make this better. I want to say that I want to zone him out every time he kind of scolds me, but behind that scold is a lesson and I can't exactly do that.

So far I've done pretty well but I'm talking about three driving lessons and one written practice test.

Mother of God, save me.

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