Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Happy Old Year...

I can honestly say that I wish this year would be a little bit longer. It's been the best year of my life apart from when I was born.

I was engaged to my husband, for three days.

Married him, for the promise of a lifetime happiness.

We bought a house, for the foundation of our family.

Went to Spain, for two wonderful magical luscious weeks.

....I mean, what else could I have asked for?

Came into this year without a care in the world. Came into this year without a promise of it being the best of my life. Came into this year with arms wide open.

Of course, this year came with its sad tears and minor bumps #Firstworldproblems. The house hunting was a bit troublesome, the husband broke his foot, and the hardest one, we had to give up Daisy, which was for the best, but dang does it still hurt. BUT She's a happy and LOVED puppy, so there should be no more tears. Thankful every day for the new friends I made, the love that keeps pouring into my life from all the positive people I hold so dear to me, and the magic Ms Duchess keeps entertaining me with.

But all in all, thankful for the family I've created with my loving husband. The love of my life. Can't wait to see what 2014 has in store.

To peace, health and getting drunk on LOVE....

but most importantly get drunk in love...

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