Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Yelled till they were pink and blue...

It might be the horrible frigid weather, the lack of sunlight, or the extra pounds everyone is trying to hide, but everyone is just super grouchy and it makes me so upset.

This morning the metra was a mess because a train was short a car due to mechanical problems, therefore it was full to the brim. Passengers were squeezing in and staring menacingly at the people literally at the edge of the door trying to bully them into making more room for them. It was impossible. So the people left behind marched right back in to the station to take their frustration at the poor ticket lady. I know that people have every right to be upset for having to get to work late without it being their fault. Time is money, I get it. But why yell at the poor lady behind the window who's only job is to inform and give you your tickets. I mean, a line formed and one by one everyone asked her the same damn question and she gave the same and courteous answer. It's not like she was withholding information or extra trains just for fun. Cursing and yelling was all I heard and It took every ounce in my body not to get up and yell at them, but in the end I would just be like them.

My point is, if you find yourself at the brink of an outburst, remember this

"...let everyone be quick to hear, slow to speak, slow to anger..." -James 1:19


"No one likes a grouchy pants." -Me

Thursday, January 2, 2014

Lessons of 2013

Day 2 of 2014 and already so much has happened and by so much I mean, snow. Snow has happened. I can't believe the day would ever come when I've come to despise snow so much. When will it stop?

Anywho, I've recently come to some extra time for myself with this horrible but at the same time magical weather and by extra time I mean "I NEED TO GET OUT OF THIS HOUSE AND WORK BECAUSE I'M GOING INSANE!" And during this time, I've had time to revise this past year and come to realize so many things, so here goes the lessons Mrs. Plascencia  has learned in 2013:

1. The law of attraction....it's real. Case and point: Got married, purchased a home, and went to Spain. Patience and hard work also a big part of all that. and God, He is all of this.

2. Having a house is wonderful, but I never realized how much I was getting by when I was living with my parents. I mean, do dirty dishes EVER stop appearing? And laundry, OH MY GOODNESS, how much clothes does one man have? Definitely appreciate my mom so much more now. She had to do laundry for five people for a while there, and she also doesn't have dishwasher. God bless that woman.

3. I love my dishwasher. Thank you, Josephine Cochrane, inventor of the dishwasher. 

4. I always thought my relationship with Iovan as boyfriend and girlfriend was amazing. Marriage made it even ten times better. He's definitely the anchor of this love boat but I'm never playing basketball with him.

5. I love having such a huge driveway during SPRING, SUMMER, FALL, but when you don't have a snow blower during winter, my driveway can pretty much suck it. (One good thing about shoveling is the workout my legs are getting since winter has turn me into a sloth on a couch) And by sloth on the couch, I mean just couch. I've become one with the couch. I am couch.

6. I should have listened to my mom more when she would say "Mija, ven a la cocina para que aprendas a cocinar" (Daughter, come to the kitchen so you can learn how to cook). Not that I don't know how to cook now, I can make a mean caldo de pollo. ;) and other things, but THANK GOODNESS for my slow cooker. 

7. Cutting my own hair is now something I do because I can. 

and last but not least, 

8. It doesn't matter the quantity of friends one has, it's the quality

I think the lesson the husband has learned in 2013 is to never play basketball with the wife. She will end up breaking his foot. 

Mr. D. Rose. 

Also please stop with the "New year, New me." It's an unattainable goal, in which you're only setting yourself up for failure. Not that I'm saying don't make goals for yourself, but make a realistic one unless you plan on having reconstructive surgery which includes getting a new brain. Just better yourself and you'll see all the wonders and favors that will come.

Welp, off to shovel some more snow.