Tuesday, September 18, 2012

RAGINA!! Warning: This post is grody.

Well, I'm back again. I recently just got a little push of writing inspiration and it was probably in one of the worst ways. I've recently have been reading one of the saddest yet inspiring blog lately and for some reason it got me wanting to write so I found myself back in this little ol' place. It is almost like a second home to me. I was thinking why must people wait till something bad happens for people to start writing and pouring their soul into words in a blog when you can just write when all is well and "boring".

So here goes nothing while you jump in my crazy little brain.

All is well in the life of Marcy. Iovan and I recently added a new member to our family. Sweet little devil named Daisy. That little brat makes me happy and mad at the same time and those light brown eyes make me gaga over her. Now I have two fart machines on my bed. Hooray. -_-

Iovan and I just celebrated a very nice (FANTASTIC) anniversary. I still love that man, day and night. He's home. He bought us matching homemade bracelets and it makes my heart heart flutter just to see it on him, knowing I have one just like it. (If you are rolling your eyes or thinking that its so high school, well, nobody asked for your fucking opinion.) ;)

This morning could not have been the most perfect morning of my whole life. (p.s. it is very hard to display sarcasm online) This morning I was once again reminded I am woman. Thanks. So as I'm setting up my serving section, quietly (which is very shocking if you know me) my manager asks me what is wrong with me and I gave him a scare with my stare. (Rhymed!) And he knew from there on to stay away from me. The lunch shift starts and its when my pain was at its highest. Fuuuuck. Grabbed the closest manager and asked for a magical pill (ibuprofen) from the office. Took it but I think it was too little too late. As I get my first table, I had tunnel vision and hearing. Fuuuuck. I felt like one of those (Interview with a Vampire) new vampires where they are seething with pain as the venom reaches across your whole body. I felt like laying on the cold floor of the girls bathroom. I greet my table and ask how everyone is doing and they respond asking me as well how I'm doing. "oh you know, my uterine lining is shedding as we speak, the pain pill i just took feels like its coming back up, and I'm shaking but I'm trying my hardest not to make it obvious that I feel like I'm dying. But besides that, everything is fucking fantastic" I think I was doing a bad job of hiding it though as I could almost see a customer look at me with fear that I might just fall flat on my face. (That customer gave me almost 25% tip. Bless him.)

As I was writing all of that ^ I was thinking about the time I first got my monthly bill and my mom was at work and I had to tell my dad. MY DAD. You should have seen the look on his face when I told him.."uh uh uh uh uh....". Poor guy.

Currently I'm eating hot chips (don't tell the boyfriend). Fuck my "strict" diet. I was very good about not getting that chocolate chip muffin in the morning but I now understand the craving for junk food when you are in this little pow pow event. I don't know why, maybe its all in our head that we need to have junk food to feel better, but damn it, it does make feel better.

Got to go actually, loved being back in this little corner of mine, but I love carne en si jugo more so I got to help iovans mother make din din.

P.S. not only am I back, but so is SWEATER WEATHER!!!

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